Tuesday, April 8, 2008

One Hat to rule them all, One Hat to find them, One Hat to bring them all and in the comfiness bind them

So after working on my ribbed scarf, I decided that I had my purl stitch down, and I wanted to try my hand at making a hat again, and I have succeeded! I started this hat on 03-30-08, and finished it on 04-05-08, 1 week later. I think I made good progress considering I knitted the vast majority of it at work.

I started by casting on 74 stitches of Lambs Pride Bulky, and doing a knit purl ribbed pattern, Which I found here http://kisknit.wordpress.com/2006/08/31/fo-second-chemo-cap-plus-the-pattern/. I never being one to follow a pattern decided to knit a fold seam, or whatever the hell it is called a couple inches into the project, and I think it came out looking nice.

If I were to make this mat again, which I am sure I will I would not put in the fold seam, and I would prolly cast on a couple extra stitches, maybe 76-78 just to make it a little large.

enjoy the pics.

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