Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Scarf...

So I started work on yet another scarf. I have tried starting many different patterns and none of them seemed to work out so I decided to go with a simple ribbed scarf. This is a knit3 purl3 scarf, and it is probably good that I am working with this pattern so I can work on my purl technique, which always felt very awkward for me. At first I did not want to do a ribbed scarf because it seemed boring, but I am enjoying the way the scarf is turning out already, and it is not as boring as I originally thought.

Thanks to Kim I am now able to read my work, and reverse stitches if need be, and it has come in handy two times during the production of this scarf. Maybe once I am done with this scarf I will feel comfortable doing a ribbed hat for myself.


1 comment:

Heather said...

oh so pretty! Im jealous of your ability to follow patterns and make pretty things.