Friday, February 29, 2008

Roll Brim hat or Peter Pan Cap hat has some issues due to my unwillingness to follow any sort of pattern in full. It actually looks like a hat. Yay! I think i can fix it, it is just a little bit short since i started decreasing too soon I was scared it would be to big. I think if I can unstitch the beginning and figure out how to pick up stitches I can add another 3-5 rows and give it a better edge and maybe even make it a non roll brim hat!
Knitting it in the round is fun and easy.. I did it 3 sittings, mostly.
Picture 081
See I look like a hat.
decreasing in the round
Then it got scarrrrry so i decided to document all before switching to the double sided needles and ruining it all. The needles are actually a size smaller (8) then the rounds which are a 9.
Picture 084
I don't think the little round things are meant to be used how I used them ... but they are markers and I marked where I needed to decrease. Or atleast where I thought I should decrease.....

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